锘� CAAS Scientist Wins the 2016 L鈥橭r茅al-UNESCO For Women in Science Awards-News and Events-HARBIN VETERINARY RESEARCH INSTITUTE,CAAS
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CAAS Scientist Wins the 2016 L鈥橭r茅al-UNESCO For Women in Science Awards
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   Source锛� Department of International Cooperation, CAAS

      On October 2, 2015, the L鈥橭r茅al Foundation and UNESCO revealed the five exceptional laureates of the 2016 L鈥橭r茅al-UNESCO For Women in Science Awards in the field of life sciences. Chen Hualan, a professor at Harbin Veterinary Research Institute of Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences (HVRI-CAAS), won the honor as the only representative from the Asia Pacific Region.
      Chen has been recognized for her outstanding research in the field of biology of the bird flu virus as well as her contribution to the development and use of effective vaccines for avian influenza control. She and other four laureates were selected from more than 2,600 nominees by an independent and international jury of 13 prominent scientists in the international scientific community. 
     The For Women in Science Awards Program was jointly initiated by the L鈥橭r茅al Foundation and UNESCO in 1998. Each year, it awards totally five leading female scientists, one from each continent (Africa & the Arab States, Asia-Pacific, Europe, Latin America and North America), for their contribution in science and to help further their research.
    Up to now, five outstanding scientists from China have received the awards.
    By Guo Ying
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