Zhang YP1, Bao KY1, Sun GR1, Lv HC1, Cui HY1, Gao YL1, Wang XM2, Liu CJ3.
Virus Genes. 2017 Feb 13.
A bacterial artificial chromosome clone, designated LCY, was constructed from a Gallid herpesvirus 2 (GaHV-2) isolate from a GaHV-2 and reticuloendotheliosis virus co-infected clinical sample. The LCY GaHV-2 insert was sequenced and found to consist of 175,319 nucleotides. LCY GaHV-2 open reading frames (ORFs) had a high sequence identity to those of reference strains. The major difference was that two REV long terminal repeats (LTRs), in the same direction, were inserted at the internal repeat short (IRs)/unique short (Us) and Us/terminal repeat short (TRs) junctions. In addition, the a-like sequence and UL36 were different from other strains. Phylogenetic analysis revealed that LCY was closely related to pandemic strains in China. A pathogenicity study and a vaccination-challenge test were performed on LCY and the reference strain, GA. The results showed that LCY induced gross Marek's disease (MD) lesions and mortality in 71.4 and 7.1% of chickens, respectively, which are lower rates than those observed for the reference strain GA (85.7 and 35.7%). The commercially available CVI988 vaccine provided complete protection against LCY and GA (100%). These results showed that the isolate exhibited lower pathogenicity in SPF chickens. This study revealed that a novel pattern of LTR inserts was found in the strain LCY and that the strain was of low virulence. The present work expands the available genetic information for GaHV-2 and will be useful for the control of MD in China.