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An Inactivated Novel Genotype Fowl Adenovirus 4 Protects Chickens against the Hydropericardium Syndrome That Recently Emerged in China

Pan Q1, Yang Y2, Gao Y3, Qi X4, Liu C5, Zhang Y6, Cui H7, Wang X8,9

Viruses. 2017 Aug 8;9(8)


Since 2015, China has experienced outbreaks of severe hydropericardium syndrome (HPS), associated with a novel genotype and hypervirulent fowl adenovirus serotype 4 (FAdV-4) infection, with a prevalence in various provinces of the country. This has resulted in huge economic losses in the poultry industry. The novel FAdV-4 showed new genome characters, such as the natural deletion of open reading frame (ORF) 19 and ORF 27 (1966 bp), and high pathogenicity toward chickens. These are coupled with severe hydropericardium, inclusion body hepatitis, and mortality rates ranging from 30% to 90%. Although several inactivated and subunit vaccines against the traditional FAdV-4 have been developed, no commercial vaccine against the emerged disease caused by the novel strain has been available until now. The potential risks of infection with this novel hypervirulent FAdV-4 urgently require an effective vaccine. Thus, an inactivated oil-emulsion FAdV-4 vaccine formulated with the novel genotype virus was developed in this study. The vaccine provided a high level of antibody, preferential T helper 2 (Th2) (interleukin-4 secretion) not Th1 (interferon-γ secretion) response, and full protection against a lethal dose of the novel hypervirulent FAdV-4. Therefore, the novel genotype FAdV-4 vaccine is proposed as an attractive candidate to prevent and reduce the spread of HPS in the poultry industry of China.


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