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胡 哲










邮箱: huzher@126.com


1999-2003 吉林农业大学,兽医系,学士

2003-2006 吉林农业大学动物科学技术学院硕士

2006-2009 吉林大学人兽共患病研究所博士

2007-2009 国家自然基金委公派留学项目,吉林大学与瑞典国家传染病研究所联合培养博士


2010-2014 中国农业科学院哈尔滨兽医研究所,助理研究员

2015-至今 中国农业科学院哈尔滨兽医研究所,副研究员

5、 承担主要项目

  1. 横向课题,2023驴场疫病防治技术集成2023/3~2024/330万(骨干)

  2. “非洲马瘟病毒ELISA试验VP7蛋白阳性血清定量标准样品”,2023/1-2025/1(主持人)

  3. “马传染性贫血诊断技术”国家标准修订项目,项目号:20220544-T-326,2022/8-2022/12 (主持人)

  4. 十四五国家重点研发计划 “动物疫病综合防控关键技术研发与应用” 重点专项“动物疫病口岸检疫与风险防范技术研发及应用”项目,课题编号:2021YFD1800501,2021/05-2025/12,310万 (子课题主持人)

  5. 横向课题,马场疾病检测及疾病防治技术体系搭建研究,2022/4-2023/3,70万(骨干)

  6. 十三五科技部重点研发计划“驴规模化养殖疫病防控技术与快繁技术的集成与示范”, 课题编号:2018YFD0502205 ,2018/06-2021/12,159万(子课题主持人)

  7. NRCPD-OUAVM国际合作研究项目,2020/04-2021/12,30万日元(课题主持人)

  8. 兽医生物技术国家重点实验室自主研究课题,2021/01-2021/12,42.5万(课题主持人)

  9. 横向课题,杭州桐庐无规定马属动物疫病区马属动物疫病检测,2019/01-2020/12,369万(骨干)

  10. 国家自然科学基金青年基金(31300713),马SAMHD1抑制马传染性贫血病毒复制的分子机制,2014/01-2016/12,23万元(课题主持人)

  11. 世界动物卫生组织参考实验室培训项目,马流感参考实验室协作项目,2011/01 -2015/12,13万元欧元(骨干)


  1. Kui Guo, Wei Guo, Diqiu Liu, Weiguo Zhang, Yan Yang, Zenan Zhang, Shuaijie Li, Jinhui Wang, Xiaoyu Chu, Yaoxin Wang, Zhe Hu*, Xiaojun Wang*. Development and application of a competitive ELISA for the detection of antibodies against Salmonella Abortusequi in equids. J Clin Microbiol. 2023 Oct 24, online.影响因子:11.677

  2. Shuaijie Li#, Kui Guo#, Xuefeng Wang#, Yuezhi Lin, Jinhui Wang, Yaoxin Wang, Cheng Du*, Zhe Hu*, Xiaojun Wang*. Development and evaluation of a real-time quantitative PCR for the detection of equine infectious anemia virus. Microbiol Spectr. 2023 Nov 21;61(11): e0027323. 影响因子:7.099

  3. Kui Guo#, Zenan Zhang#, Yan Yang#, Weiguo Zhang, Jinhui Wang, Shuaijie Li, Xiaoyu Chu, Wei Guo, Diqiu Liu, Yaoxin Wang, Zhe Hu*, and Xiaojun Wang*. “Development and Application of an iELISA for the Detection of Antibody against Salmonella Abortusequi”, Transboundary and Emerging Diseases, vol. 2023, Article ID 1403180, 11 pages.(影响因子:4.3)

  4. Zhe Hu #, Kui Guo#, Cheng Du#, Jinhui Sun#, Naletoski I, Xiaoyu Chu , Yuezhi Lin , Xuefeng Wang , Barrandeguy M, Samuel M, Wang W, Lau PI, Wernery U, Raghavan R, Xiaojun Wang *. Development and evaluation of a blocking ELISA for serological diagnosis of equine infectious anemia. Appl Microbiol Biotechnol. 2023 May;107(10):3305-3317.(影响因子:5.0)

  5. Jinhui Wang#, Kui Guo#, Shuaijie Li#, Diqiu Liu, Xiaoyu Chu, Yaoxin Wang, Wei Guo, Cheng Du*, Xiaojun Wang*, Zhe Hu*. Development and application of real time PCR assay for the detection of Salmonella abortus equi. Journal of clinical microbiology. 2023, Jan. (影响因子:9.4)

  6. Guangpu Yang#, Kewei Chen#, Wei Guo#, Zhe Hu, Ting Qi, Diqiu Liu, Yaoxin Wang, Cheng Du*, Xiaojun Wang*. Development of a Test Card Based on Colloidal Gold Immunochromatographic Strips for Rapid Detection of Antibodies against Theileria equi and Babesia caballi. Microbiol Spectr. 2022 Feb 23;10(1):e0241121.(影响因子:7.099

  7. KeWei Chen#, Zhe Hu#, Guangpu Yang#, Wei Guo, Ting Qi, Diqiu Liu, Yaoxin Wang, Cheng Du*, Xiaojun Wang*. Development of a duplex real-time PCR assay for simultaneous detection and differentiation of Theileria equi and Babesia caballi. Transbound Emerg Dis. 2022 Jan 28. (影响因子:4.955

  8. Keiwei Chen#, Zhe Hu#, Jingkun Li, Jingfei Wang, Diqiu Liu,Ting Qi, Wei Guo, Cheng Du*, Xiaojun Wang*. Prevalence and molecular epidemiology of equine piroplasmosis in China: a neglected tick-borne disease. Science China. 2021. (影响因子:8.19

  9. Li Li, Zhe Hu,Jinhui Sun, Kui Guo, Xiaoyu Chu, Xiaojun Wang, Yixin Lu. Development of an EvaGreen-based real-time PCR assay for detection of Aleutian mink disease.J Virol Methods. 2020 Jan;275:113751. (影响因子:1.994

  10. Qi Ting, Hu Yue, Hu Zhe, Zhao Shihua, Wang Xiaojun. Development of an antigen-capture ELISA for the quantitation of equine arteritis virus in culture supernatant. Archives of virology. 2018 163(6):1469-1478. (影响因子:2.574

  11. Zhe Hu, Hao Chang, Xiaoyu Chu, Shuang Li, Meiyue Wang, Xiaojun Wang*.Identification and characterization of a common B-cell epitope on EIAV capsid proteins. Appl Microbiol Biotechnol. 2016, 100(24):10531-42.(影响因子:3.376

  12. Cheng Du, Zhe Hu, Sendong Hu, Yuezhi Lin, Xiaojun Wang, Yijing Li. Development and Application of an Indirect ELISA for the Detection of gp45 Antibodies to Equine Infectious Anemia Virus. Journal of Equine Veterinary Science. 2018, 62: 76-80.(影响因子:0.91

  13. Yuezhi Lin, Liuke Sun, Dantong Zhu, Zhe Hu, Xuefeng Wang, Cheng Du, YH Wang, Xiaojun Wang*, Jianhua Zhou*. Equine schlafen 11 restricts the production of equine infectious anemia virus via a codon usage-dependent mechanism. Virology. 2016,495:112-21.

  14.  Zhe Hu, Hao Chang, Man Ge, Yuezhi Lin, Xuefeng Wang, Wei Guo, Xiaojun Wang*. Development of antigen captured ELISA for the quantification of EIAV p26 protein. Appl Microbiol Biotechnol. 2014, 98 (21):9073-81.(影响因子:3.811

  15. Zhe Hu, Chao Zhu, Hao Chang, Wei Guo, Diqiu Liu, Wenhua Xiang, Xiaojun Wang*. Development of a Single-tube Duplex EvaGreen Real-time PCR for the Detection and Identification of EHV-1 and EHV-4. Appl Microbiol Biotechnol. 2014, 98(9):4179-86.(影响因子:3.811

  16. Xin Yin#, Zhe Hu#, Qingyong Gu, Xingliang Wu, Yonghui Zheng, Ping Wei, Xiaojun Wang*. Equine tetherin blocks retrovirus release and its activity is antagonized by equine infectious anemia virus envelope protein. J Virol. 2014, 88(2):1259-70. (影响因子:4.648

  17. Zhe Hu, Xingliang Wu, Jinying Ge, Xiaojun Wang(*). Inhibition of virus replication and induction of human tetherin gene expression by equine IFN-alpha1, Vet Immunol Immunopathol. 2013, 156 (1-2):107-13.(影响因子:1.748

  18. Zhe Hu, Henrik Nordstrom, Norbert Nowotny, Kerstin I. Falk, Gunnar Sandstrom*. Anchored PanDengue RT-PCR and Fast Sanger Sequencing for Detection of Dengue RNA in Human Serum, J Mel Virol, 2010,82:1701–1710.(影响因子:2.895 

  19. Zhe Hu, Jigang Yin, Kefei Shen, Kang Wei, Chen Qijun*. Outbreaks of hemotrophic mycoplasma infections in China, Emerg Infect Dis, 2009,15(7):1139-40. (影响因子:6.259


王晓钧主编. 郭巍,戚亭,胡哲等编者. 《马流感》. 2015年12月出版。









  1. 王晓钧,胡哲。一种可抑制病毒粒子释放的蛋白,其编码序列及在抑制EIAV从细胞释放中的应用,2014年9月获国家发明专利授权,专利号为ZL201210535066.1;第2发明人。

  2. 王晓钧,胡哲。一种用于检测I型和IV型马疱疹病毒的双重EvaGreen实时荧光定量PCR检测试剂盒及其应用。2014年9月获国家发明专利授权,专利号为:ZL201410042034.7;第2发明人。

  3. 王晓钧,胡哲,林跃智,周建华。用于检测马传染性贫血病毒p26蛋白的试剂盒及其用途。2014年5月获国家发明专利授权,专利号为:ZL201410239152.7;第2发明人。

  4. 王晓钧,张翔,郭巍,张振宇,胡哲。一种双向转录/表达质粒及其在流感病毒反向遗传学中的应用。2019年5月获国家发明专利授权,专利号为:ZL201610309169.4,第5发明人。

  5. 胡哲,王晓钧,郭巍,戚亭。马流产沙门氏菌驴源株及其在制备驴副伤寒灭活疫苗中的应用。2021年1月获国家发明专利授权,专利号为:ZL202010036541.5,第1发明人。

  6. 王晓钧,胡哲,郭巍,刘荻萩。马流产沙门氏菌马源株及其在制备马流产沙门氏菌灭活疫苗中的应用。2021年7月获国家发明专利授权,专利号为:ZL202010037145.4,第2发明人。

  7. 胡哲,王晓钧。用于检测马流产沙门氏菌的特异性引物组及其用途。2023年3月获国家发明专利授权,专利号为:ZL202010046938.2;第1发明人。

  8. 胡哲,郭奎,王晓钧。马流产沙门氏菌竞争ELISA抗体检测试剂盒及其应用。2023年5月获国家发明专利授权,专利号为:ZL202111444112.2,第1发明人。

  9. 王晓钧,胡哲,王雪峰。马传染性贫血病毒荧光PCR检测试剂盒及其应用。2023年5月获国家发明专利授权,专利号为:ZL202110143614.5,第2发明人。


  10. 胡哲、王晓钧、郭巍、林跃智、王雪峰、王文、陈茹、王勤、柏亚铎。国家标准“GBT 17494-2023 马传染性贫血诊断技术”2023年9月获批发布。

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