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1)Hu Z, Chang H,Chu X,Li S, Wang M, Wang X*, Identification and characterization of a common B-cell epitope on EIAV capsid proteins, Appl Microbiol  Biotechnol. 2016, Dec;100(24):10531-10542.
2)Ma J, Zhang Z, Yao Q, Su C, Yin X, Wang X*,Regulation of Rev expression by the EIAV tat-rev mRNA Kozak sequence and its potential influence on viral replication. J Gen Virol. 2016 Jul 13. 
3)Lin YZ, Sun LK, Zhu DT, Hu Z, Wang XF, Du C, Wang YH, Wang X*, Zhou JH*. Equine schlafen 11 restricts the production of equine infectious anemia virus via a codon usage-dependent mechanism. Virology. 2016 May 17;495:112-121. 
4)Wang XF, Lin YZ, Li Q, Liu Q, Zhao WW, Du C, Chen J, Wang X*, Zhou JH*. Genetic Evolution during the development of an attenuated EIAV vaccine. Retrovirology. 2016 Feb 3;13:9. 
5)Yao Q, Ma J, Wang X, Guo M, Li Y, Wang X*. A pilot study on interaction between donkey tetherin and EIAV stains with different virulent and replication characteristics. Microb Pathog. 2016 Nov 2. pii: S0882-4010(16)30300-X.  
6)Hu Z, Chang H,Chu X,Li S, Wang M, Wang X*, Identification and characterization of a common B-cell epitope on EIAV capsid proteins, Appl Microbiol  Biotechnol. 2016, Dec;100(24):10531-10542.
7)Duan L, Du J, Wang X, Zhou J, Wang X, Liu X*. Structural and functional characterization of EIAV gp45 fusion peptide proximal region and asparagine-rich layer. Virology. 2016 Feb 11;491:64-72. 
8)Liu Q, Ma J, Wang XF, Xiao F, Li LJ, Zhang JE, Lin YZ, Du C, He XJ, Wang X*, Zhou JH*. Infection with equine infectious anemia virus vaccine strain EIAVDLV121 causes no visible histopathological lesions in target organs in association with restricted viral replication and unique cytokine response. Vet Immunol Immunopathol. 2016 Feb;170:30-40. 
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