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E–mail:  zhangyueling@caas.cn;zhang.yl@foxmail.com








2010年01月-2013年02月,美国圣母大学W. M. Keck转基因研究中心,博士后




  1. 国家自然科学基金面上项目:猪链球菌A型PBPs在胞壁肽聚糖合成中的功能和分工及其机制研究(32172853,2022.01 -2025.12),58万,在研。

  2. 十四五国家重点研发计划 “畜禽重要病原菌生长代谢和毒力调控机制研究”,2021YFD1800401,2021.06.01-2025.12.31,100万,子课题主持,在研。

  3. 国家自然科学基金面上项目:猪链球菌的eSTK/eSTP系统对反应调节因子CovR的调控及其机制研究(31772757,2018.01 -2021.12),62万,结题。

  4. “十三五”国家重点研发计划:“畜禽重要病原菌的病原组学与网络调控研究”项目(2017YFD0500200)子课题“病原菌毒力调控机制研究”(2017YFD0500203,2017.

  5. 07-2021.12),105万,子课题主持,结题。

  6. 国家自然科学基金青年项目:SK2b型A族链球菌激活纤溶酶原的分子机制的研究(31500112,2016.01-2018.12),19万,结题。

  7. 黑龙江省科学基金面上项目:2型猪链球菌SSU05_0196蛋白结合纤溶酶原及介导血行播散的分子机制(C2017075,2017.10-2020.10),6万,结题。


  1. Guangjuan Gao, Dong Wei, Gang Li, Ping Chen, Liujun Wu, Siguo Liu and Yueling Zhang*. Highly effective markerless genetic manipulation of  Streptococcus suis  using a mutated PheS-based counterselectable marker.  Frontiers in Microbiology . 2022, 13: 947821.

  2. Ping Chen, Ran Liu, Mengmeng Huang, Jinlu Zhu, Dong Wei, Francis J. Castellino, Guanghui Dang, Fang Xie, Gang Li, Ziyin Cui, Siguo Liu*, and Yueling Zhang*. A unique combination of glycoside hydrolases in  Streptococcus suis  specifically and sequentially acts on host-derived alpha Gal-epitope glycans.  Journal of Biological Chemistry , 2020, 295(31): 10638-10652. (*co-corresponding author).

  3. Fuguang Chen, Fang Xie, Baoling Yang, Chengcheng Wang, Siguo Liu*, and Yueling Zhang*, Activity of Sortase A from  Streptococcus suis  is Ca2+-Independent and Strongly Inhibited by Aceteoside, Isoquercitrin and Baicalin,  Plos One , 2017, 12(3):e0173767. (*co-corresponding author)

  4. Yueling Zhang, Jeffrey Mayfield, Victoria A. Ploplis, and Francis J. Castellino. The β-domain of cluster 2b streptokinase is a major determinant for the regulation of its plasminogen activation activity by cellular plasminogen receptors.  Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications , 2014, 444(4):595-8.

  5. Yueling Zhang, Zhong Liang, Kristofor Glinton, Victoria A. Ploplis, Francis J. Castellino. Functional differences between  Streptococcus pyogenes  cluster 1 and cluster 2b streptokinases are determined by their β-domains.  FEBS Letters . 2013, 587(9):1304-9.

  6. Zhong Liang*, Yueling Zhang*, Garima Agrahari, Vishwanatha Chandrahas, Kristofor Glinton, Deborah L. Donahue, Rashna D. Balsara, Victoria A. Ploplis, and Francis J. Castellino. A natural inactivating mutation in the CovS component of the CovRS regulatory operon in a pattern D  Streptococcal pyogenes  strain influences virulence-associated genes.  Journal of Biological Chemistry. 2013, 288(9):6561-73. (*co-first author)

  7. Yueling Zhang, Zhong Liang, Hsing-Tse Hsueh, Victoria A. Ploplis, and Francis J. Castellino. Characterization of streptokinases from group A streptococci reveals a strong functional relationship that supports the coinheritance of plasminogen-binding M-protein and cluster 2B streptokinase.  Journal of Biological Chemistry.  2012, 287(50): 42093-103.

  8. Yueling Zhang, Jiansong Ju, Hao Peng, Feng Gao, Cheng Zhou, Yan Zeng, Yanfen Xue, Yin Li, Bernard Henrissat, George F. Gao, Yanhe Ma. Biochemical and structural characterization of the intracellular mannanase AaManA reveals a novel glycoside hydrolase family belonging to GH-A superfamily.  Journal of Biological Chemistry . 2008, 283(46): 31551-58.

  9. Yueling Zhang, Feng Gao, Yanfen Xue, Yan Zeng, Hao Peng, Jianxun Qi and Yanhe Ma. Crystallization and preliminary X-ray study of a mannanase from  Alicyclobacillus acidocaldarius  Tc-12-31.  Acta Crystallographica Section F ,  Structural Biology and Crystallization Communications . 2008, 64(3): 209-12.

  10. Lu Wang, Jing Sun, Jiyu Zhao, Jieyu Bai, Yueling Zhang, Yao Zhu, Wanjiang Zhang, Chunlai Wang, Paul R. Langford, Siguo Liu, Gang Li*. A CRISPR-Cas12a-based platform facilitates the detection and serotyping of Streptococcus suis serotype 2. Talanta. 2024; 267:125202.

  11. Tian Luan, Lu Wang, Jiyu Zhao, Hui Luan, Yueling Zhang, Chunlai Wang, Paul R Langford, Siguo Liu, Wanjiang Zhang, Gang Li. A CRISPR/Cas12a-assisted rapid detection platform by biosensing the  apxIVA  of  Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae .  Frontiers in Microbiology . 2022, 13:928307.

  12. Cheng Yi, Guangyue Li, Wenmeng Wang, Yixuan Sun, Yueling Zhang, Chen Zhong, Daniel B. Stovall, Dangdang Li, Jinming Shi, and Guangchao Sui. 2021. Disruption of YY1-EZH2 interaction using synthetic peptides inhibits breast cancer development.  Cancers . 2021; 13(10):2402.

  13. Fang Xie, Yanan Zan, Xinyuan Zhang, Huihui Zhang, Mingjie Jin, Wanjiang Zhang, Yueling Zhang, and Siguo Liu. Differential abilities of mammalian cathelicidins to inhibit bacterial biofilm formation and promote multifaceted immune functions of neutrophils.  International Journal of Molecular Sciences . 2020, 21:1871.

  14. Gang Li, Qian Zhao, Tian Luan, Yangbo Hu, Yueling Zhang, Ting Li, Chunlai Wang, Fang Xie, Wanjiang Zhang, Paul R.Langford, and Siguo Liu. Basal-level effects of (p)ppGpp in the absence of branched-chain amino acids in actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae.  Journal of Baceriology , 2020, 202(8): e00640-19.

  15. Fang Xie, Yanan Zan, Yueling Zhang, Ning Zheng, Qiulong Yan, Wanjiang Zhang, Huihui Zhang, Mingjie Jin, Fuguang Chen, Xinyuan Zhang, and Siguo Liu. (2019) The cysteine protease ApdS from  Streptococcus suis  promotes evasion of innate immune defenses by cleaving the antimicrobial peptide cathelicidin LL-37.  Journal of Biological Chemistry , 294(47): 17962-17977.

  16. Martina L Sanderson-Smith, Yueling Zhang, Diane Ly, Deborah Donahue, Andrew Hollands, Victor Nizet, Victoria Ploplis, Mark Walker, Francis Castellino. A key role for the urokinase plasminogen activator (uPA) in invasive Group A streptococcal infection.  PLOS Pathogen , 9(7): e1003469. doi:10.1371/journal.ppat.1003469.

  17. Yingying Zheng, Yanfen Xue, Yueling Zhang, Cheng Zhou, Ulrich Schwaneberg, Yanhe Ma. Cloning, expression, and characterization of a thermostable glucoamylase from  Thermoanaerobacter tengcongensis  MB4.  Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology , 2010, 87(1): 225-33.

  18. Cheng Zhou, Yanfen Xue, Yueling Zhang, Yan Zeng, and Yanhe Ma. Recombinant Expression and characterization of  Thermoanaerobacter tengcongensis  thermostable α-glucosidase with regioselectivity for high-yield isomaltooligosaccharides synthesis.  Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology . 2009, 19(12): 1547–56.

  19. 武柳君,卫东,高广娟,陈平,刘思国*,张跃灵*高表达GFP-PBP1b融合蛋白的猪链球菌菌株的构建PBP1b蛋白细胞定位的研究。中国预防兽医学报,202345(11)1101-1107

  20. 卫东,陈平,高广娟,朱金鲁,武柳君,刘思国,张跃灵*。利用 sacB 基因反向筛选法构建GFP分别融合于猪链球菌MapZ及PBP1b蛋白的融合菌株。中国预防兽医学报,2022,44(11):1149-1155。

  21. 朱金鲁,卫东,高广娟,陈平,刘思国,张跃灵*。猪链球菌LPxTG蛋白HP0197与外源蛋白的融合表达及融合蛋白抗原活性的检测。中国预防兽医学报. 2022,44(05):532-537。

  22. 卫东,高广娟,武柳君,朱金鲁,刘思国,刘冉*,张跃灵*。猪链球菌2型05ZYH33糖苷水解酶SSU05_1921和SSU05_1922的表达纯化及功能研究。中国预防兽医学报,2022,44(03):269-276。

  23. 朱金鲁,陈平,黄萌萌,刘冉,卫东,刘思国,张跃灵*。提高表达分选酶A的猪链球菌突变株的构建及初步评价[J]。中国预防兽医学报,2021,43(01):7-13

  24. 黄萌萌,刘冉,陈平,朱金鲁,卫东,谢芳,李刚,刘思国,张跃灵*。猪链球菌表面蛋白展示系统的构建及展示蛋白的初步观察。中国预防兽医学报,2020,42(02) :105-113。

  25. 刘冉,陈福广,陈平,黄萌萌,朱金鲁,谢芳,孟庆文,刘思国,刘建华*,张跃灵*。利用信息肽诱导和Cre/LoxP系统构建猪链球菌基因缺失株。中国预防兽医学报,2019,41(02):125-130。

  26. 陈平,刘冉,黄萌萌,朱金鲁,谢芳,倪宏波,刘思国*,张跃灵*。猪链球菌2型05ZYH33菌株具有N-乙酰氨基葡萄糖苷酶活性蛋白的鉴定及功能研究。中国预防兽医学报,2019,41(05):462-467。

  27. 刘冉,黄萌萌,陈平,朱金鲁,谢芳,刘思国*,张跃灵*。猪链球菌2型05ZYH33菌株启动子的筛选和鉴定。中国预防兽医学报,2019,41(06):584-589。

  28. 杨宝玲,陈福广,谢芳,刘思国,沈国顺*,张跃灵*。猪链球菌 2 型 SSU05-1311 蛋白的表达纯化和多克隆抗体的制备。中国兽医科学,2016,46(03):310- 314。

  29. 杨宝玲,陈福广,谢芳,刘思国,沈国顺*,张跃灵*。2 型猪链球菌 SSU05-0474 的表达纯化及单克隆抗体制备。中国动物传染病学报,2016,24(2):25-30。

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